Monday, March 28, 2011

Ice skating.

Both the kids enjoyed about 14 weeks of ice skating lessons this winter. Bob and I had so much fun sitting in the stands watching them. They really did get quite good and it was nice to skate with them and not need to hold their hands the entire time. Addison was especially impressed with the older girls at the lessons and watching them spin and twirl. She can't wait to skate like them so we will likely keep her in lessons for the long run as long as she enjoys it (as well as dance class).
At the end of the lessons they had the chance to be part of the annual ice skating recital for a very small fee of only $13 (including practices, rehearsal, costume and 2 shows). We couldn't believe the deal! Addison wanted to participate, but Lucas wasn't so interested so of course we weren't going to force him.
The tot level classes did their routine to "Walk Like an Egyptian." They did a lot more standing and marching and less skating but it was great for the kids considering they were only 3-5 years old.
Addison the Egyptian.
Interesting pose for a little girl huh.
Addison and her favorite teacher.
About ready to perform with her class (Lucas would have only been one of two boys).
A small glimpse of the show....

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