Tuesday, February 26, 2008

So big!

Really, not much is new lately. We are just anxious for the weather to start getting nicer and to get outside. I am pretty sick of taking the kids to the mall play area for fun, but we have to get out of the house and do something. Lucas is fast approaching turning one in April. He now says dada, mama, and un oh. He also claps when you ask him to and puts his arms above his head when we ask how big Lucas is….”so big”. Addison of course is just great. She loves to jump up and down, pretend to go night-night, and sing songs. She is also obsessed with eating cereal and milk.

Oh, and we did get a house and are closing the last week in March. We still have our home inspection and want to make sure it goes well for us to finally get excited. Then we really need to start packing!!!
Here are some pictures from the past few weeks.

He loves to climb already.

Just look at that face and those dimples!

Laying in mommy and daddy's bed.

Come on Mom, you know I don't like my picture taken.

Her outfit might not match, but atleast she is smiling for the camera this time.

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