Friday, May 30, 2008

Memorial Day Weekend

We had a great memorial day weekend at the lake of the ozarks. Bob's parents have a condo there on the lake so we spent 4 days with them. The weather was not the best (it rained a lot) but we still had a great time. We went on the boat a few times (the kids loved it). We went for a lot of walks and one day we took a long boat ride to this great restaurant/bar that has a beach for the kids. Addison and Lucas had a great time playing in the sand (getting all dirty) and getting in the water. We were also crazy and went in the condo pool one time. Addison really wanted to go swimming so we got in the freezing cold water for about 5 minutes (Bob and I put on a brave face as we jumped in the water).
I wish a had a ton of great pictures to share but I lost my camera. I will spare all the details since I am pretty heart broken over it. While we were at the lake, we stopped at my aunt's house who happens to live within minutes of the condo. They took a few pictures so this is all I have to share for now. I did get a disposable camera but I still need to get the darn thing developed.
Addison is attempting to hold Toby (my cousin) and Karen's son Brock.

Lucas enjoying their swing.

Addison was being a great big sister and pushed Lucas in the swing.

In some other news....Lucas is talking a lot more now. It is great because we feel like he can communicate more with us and understands so much more. He says mama, dada, papa (grandpa), nana (grandma), ball, bye bye, baby, baba (sippy cup), more and drink. We also transitioned him to one nap a day and I think it is really agreeing with him.

Addison's new obsession is dressing up as a princess. My mom has found a few princess dresses from garage sales. She also has princess shoes and a magic wand. She loves it. She is also so happy because the neighbor kids are out of school for the summer. She just loves all the kids and seems like such a big girl playing outside with the older kids.

Bob and I are celebrating our 5 year anniversary this weekend (May 31st). Bob's parents are keeping the kids overnight for us and we are going on a date! I will update with details later.

1 comment:

Julie, Charlie, Carter, Logan & Ava said...

ooohhhhh, a date! happy anniversary guys! have a lovely night celebrating five years of married life!