Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Thanksgiving weekend.

We had a pretty good Thanksgiving weekend. It was just so nice to be at home, not traveling and have Bob home for so many days. My parents came over for brunch on Thanksgiving day and then we went to Bob's parents for dinner. It was great to watch all 6 grandkids running around (all 5 years old and younger). Friday we spent the day putting up our new Christmas tree and lights outside. It was so nice that day, in the 50s. The kids LOVE Christmas decorations and lights. Each holiday with them gets more and more fun!!! We spent the rest of the weekend just enjoying some family time. It was nice.
I wish I had more picture to share from the holiday weekend, but our newer laptop is giving us trouble and I don't have access to all the pictures I just took. I am just thankful we have our old lap top while we wait to get our other lap top back in working condition.

Here is a cute picture from the other day when my friend Julie came over with her kids. They were all dancing in the family room and Addison and Lucas held hands and did some dancing cute!

This past Sunday we had our first snow fall. It was just a dusting of snow but the kids got very excited and Bob took them to play in the snow while I was out to lunch with some friends.

Here are a few pictures from Thanksgiving that my sister-in-law Linda sent me. We were getting ready to leave and all the kids were in their pj's.

Lucas was smiling with some yummy Thanksgiving day food in his mouth.

The 4 big kids eating at the kids table. I heard Addison asking them what they all wanted for Christmas!

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